
Nov 28, 2011

That's a Wrap (Wrapping Paper Centre)

After this weekend I'm one step closer to having a real craft room.

Tom & I installed my "wrapping paper centre" on one of the blank walls above the worktables. 

Wrapping Paper Centre

I looked at dozens of pictures online and sketched out different layouts, until eventually deciding I wanted something very simple and streamlined.  Just two vertical pieces of wood with dowels hung horizontally between. I didn't want something bulky and overpowering in the room. Plus I'd probably bump into it all the time.

Tom gets so frustrated with me because I have to physically lay things out to get a sense of the space, I can't just picture it in my head. I made him wait while I layed rolls of wrapping paper and ribbon on the floor to figure out the spacing. Then did it again once the wood was cut. I probably would have checked a third time if he'd let me. I arrived at 6 dowels for paper, one for ribbon, and an extra one at the bottom for tissue paper. 

The build was really simple. Two 38" lengths of 1x3 with cup hooks screwed in at even intervals. 

Wrapping Paper Centre

We added a "bump-out" for the larger ribbon rolls with another small piece of 1x3 at the top of each board. 

Wrapping Paper Centre

Wrapping Paper Centre
(I'm supposed to mention - Don't do this at home. Tom is demonstrating very unsafe power tool handling.)

A few Many coats of plain white semi-gloss paint were needed. In retrospect, I think it would have been faster to spray paint them. Of course, primer wouldn't have hurt either.

Wrapping Paper Centre

It wasn't until I had the hooks back in that I noticed the holes on the two boards didn't line up. 
Tom had attached one of the bump-outs to the wrong end of the board. Maybe he should have laid it all out first instead of visualizing it. Just sayin'.

Rather than remove the piece, sand and repaint, he redrilled the holes and I puttied and painted over the old ones. We hung it with anchors and screws (checking with the level multiple times - I'm a safety girl) and measured the dowels for cutting. Eventually I'll get around to puttying and painting
over those anchor screws, but not today.

Wrapping Paper Centre

Check out this cool flukey shot - it looks like the hammer is transparent.

Wrapping Paper Centre

Wrapping Paper Centre

Having it all up there makes me realize that I'm not very adventurous with my ribbon colour choices.  I'm going to have to remedy that. 

Wrapping Paper Centre

This wasn't my first choice for how to hang the tissue paper, but I couldn't figure out anything that didn't stick out too far from the wall. I considered a pant or tie rack with arms that would fold flat
but couldn't find one anywhere.

Wrapping Paper Centre

I'm very happy with it.  Everything is tidy and accessible. 

Wrapping Paper Centre

Wrapping Paper Centre

And I don't have to worry any more about finding a bunch of chewed up ribbon under the spare bed because Little Dog thought it was a new toy.

Exhibit A:

Oh, I see you Little Dog. I see you.


I'm linking to these great parties!


  1. cleverblonde -Donna GAugust 18, 2012 at 1:46 AM

    I love this. You are a lucky gal, it's perfect.

  2. Thank you! Did you see the update? Even better!

  3. This is really amazing! Although I would need a whole wall to hold all my wrapping paper and ribbon! 

  4. I know what you mean. These are just my non-Christmas wrapping supplies!

  5. Great idea, Barb, and not too difficult to make.  Love it!  

    Becoming a follower to keep up on all your great ideas.

    If you get a a chance sometime, you'll have to stop by my blog.


  6. I'd love to see it when you're done.

  7. This is great!  
    I'm in the process of making one of my own for my craft room/mom cave! :-)
    Great job!
    ~Bec @ Little Lucy Lu

  8. This is really amazing! Although I would need a whole wall to hold all my wrapping paper and ribbon!

  9. What a GREAT idea!!!
