
Feb 15, 2012

Turtles for the Tails

A couple of months ago I entered a giveaway on Making Lemonade for any item of your choice from Chesapeake Ribbons.  Margie from Chesapeake Ribbons makes belts, headbands, dog collars, key fobs, and more.

And I won!   
I really liked her turtle belt/key fob pattern 
and I was hoping she could make a dog collar with it.

The ribbon has blue, green & pink in it, and since my dogs are such girlie-girls I asked if she could make it with pink webbing behind.  Of course she could!  I also ordered an extra one because Lord knows the pouty faces there would be if only one dog got a new collar. 

In less than two weeks the collars arrived. 
And look how cute they are! 

The dogs were pretty excited. 
Chloe's tail just about flew off, she was wagging so hard. 
To her, collar=I'm going outside!

Sasha just wanted to know what was in the package. 

Tom laughs because I'm always buying new collars for the dogs - long before they wear out - but he had to admit that these were pretty fantastic. 

I like the break-away buckle and how sturdy the construction is.

Not to mention that adorable turtle.
(You've probably noticed that turtles are kind of my thing.)

We had a fashion show right away. 

It was an effort getting Sasha to stay still, not to mention
get her face and the collar in the same shot. 

Chloe was our usual perfect (yet bored ) model,
"Hurry up and take the picture, I'm falling asleeee....oh is that a cookie?"

And now we have our official Turtles and Tails mascots.
(Get it? Turtles AND Tails.) 
Well, if you want to get technical one mascot is more
a Turtle and Stub, but we won't tell her that.

Thank you so much to Margie at Chesapeake Ribbons for the awesome design and for the excellent customer service, and thank you to Carrie for holding the giveaway and connecting me with Margie. 

I'm thinking maybe matching leashes next. 

Whatta ya say, Margie?


  1. Your pretty girls look so cute in the collars. They look very well made and I love the design.

    I'm a new GFC follower from It's Hump Day! Blog Hop!

  2. Pretty Girls, pretty collars!

  3. Hi lovely lady.
    Your new collars are WOW!!  with the Turtles and Tails I know...
     I need one for my Great Dan she a girlie also. Thanks so much for being my newest follower on my blog.
    I hope you have a wonderful week with your family.
    XXOO Diane

  4. So fancy, right?
