
Oct 31, 2012

Ghosts of Halloween Past

Happy Halloween!

After the success of the poop factory costume, I thought I would do a little recap of Halloween(s) past and show off my girls and their costumes. In going through the pictures I realized that we dress our dogs up a lot. A lot. For just about any occasion too, even the made up ones. I think we might be having too much fun.

This is our old dog Bailey, a dog who was up for anything. That skirt is four cheerleader pompoms looped together. There was even a coconut bra. I'm sure Bailey was glad that didn't make the shot.

hula dog costume -

She was also in our wedding. She wanted to be the bride but I said no dice.

wedding veil dog costume -

This was supposed to be a zebra, but it looked a little too "Hannibal Lecter" for me so that idea was scrapped.

zebra dog costume -

Everyone wants to be the bunny.
bunny dog costume -

This was after a family party at the cottage. I think Chloe got into the liquor cabinet when no one was looking.

garden hat dog costume -

Mad cow. 
More like slightly disgruntled cow. Maybe because she's wearing a ladybug costume. 
Good thing she brought her sidekick along for moral support.

mad cow devil dog costume -

The year Chloe grew her hair out.

witch dog costume -

Even dog siblings have to wear hand-me-down costumes.

bumblebee dog costume -

bumblebee dog costume -

elf dog costume -

elf dog costume -

Sometimes you feel like plundering...

pirate dog costume -

And sometimes you just want to kick back in your island jammies.

pyjama dog costume -

Dressing up as a Christmas tree never gets old.

christmas tree skirt dog costume -

Am I the horse or the cowboy?

cowboy hat dog costume -

And of course, the pièce de résistance, the poop factory, in case you've forgotten what it looks like after this seemingly endless stream of photos.

poop factory dog costume -

Do we have some easy-going dogs or what? I'd submit these to dog-shaming, but honestly, they don't look very ashamed, do they?

Do you dress up your pets for Halloween? I'd love to see the pictures - link up in the comments if you want to.

Please don't leave me feeling like I'm the only crazy one.


Another reminder that the Ramsign house number sign giveaway is still going on. This is for a personalized house number sign worth up to $99! The deadline for entry is Friday, November 2nd and there are multiple ways to earn an entry ballot. If I didn't mention this before, the giveaway is open to anyone as they ship worldwide! Hurry up before you miss out!


  1. I am obsessed with the poop factory outfit - hilarious! New follower via the mingle with us blog hop. I'd love a follow back. :)


  2. Hehe, how cute! What nice dogs you must have, that they let you dress them up. :)

  3. karah @ thespacebetweenblogNovember 1, 2012 at 6:30 PM

    LOL, I am literally laughing out loud ... the tree skirt is too funny and the lady bug...does she have devil horns too?

    I'm just getting back from vacation, so glad to be able to check in on what you've been up to. :)

  4. Easy going would be an understatement and they are ALL adorable. We don't do the costume thing ourselves but those great shots of yours sure do make me smile!

  5. Awww, thanks. They are really good dogs.

  6. Well, she was supposed to be a ladybug but the feelers were too small, so I put horns on her and called her a mad cow.

  7. seriously the cutest dog costume ever - just love it lol

  8. Thanks! They are pretty sweet!

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