
Oct 21, 2012

Say Cheese!

My sister dragged me off to the flea market today only slightly against my will. I try to avoid them mostly because I spend too much money there. Usually on food. Those food booths are my kryptonite. Especially the ukrainian-polish ones. My favourite was a phyllo pastry filled with meat called burek. I behaved myself though and only bought some samosas and some brownies. I forgot to stop back at the mini-donut booth - probably best for my waistline anyway.

Attached to the flea market is an antique market with hundreds of booths. So many things that I wanted! But most were out of my price-range. Or I'm just too cheap. Either/Or.

I only made one purchase and it was this Argus C3 Matchmatic camera.

It was mass-produced in the US between 1939 and 1966, so it isn't valuable, but it is awfully cute. It was the camera that made 35mm photography popular.

It came with a two-piece leather case and is in excellent shape. I don't know if it actually works since I don't have any 35mm film any more.

I just think it's so handsome. I can't stop taking pictures of it. 

Is it weird to be taking pictures of something that takes pictures? Am I falling down the rabbit hole?

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