
Mar 6, 2013

Nice Rack!

Caught your attention didn't I? But I'm not talking about anyone's frontal regions (least of all my own) - I'm talking about the new baking racks I bought.

I know I've mentioned before how much I want some, so on a recent trip to the grocery store I priced them out. And they weren't that bad! Seven dollars each maybe?

The racks fit perfectly over a cookie sheet so there is something to catch the drippings. I like to coat my wings in coconut oil first to help the seasoning stick, and while coconut oil is a healthy oil, reducing some doesn't hurt.

Look at how much oil was removed.

Just like that, my chicken went from this:

To this: 

Besides being less greasy, the wings are so much easier to remove to a plate. Most of the time they would stick a bit and you'd end up losing some of the crispy skin. And let's face it - that's the best part.

Don't be ashamed, you can yell out, "Hey, I like your rack!" and I won't be offended. :-)

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