
Apr 4, 2013

In the Spotlight

Something pretty exciting happened on the little ol' Turtles and Tails blog this week. The fold-up patio bar that Tom and I built last summer was featured in an article called, "30 DIY Ways To Make Your Backyard Awesome This Summer".

Fold-up Patio Bar

Fold-up Patio Bar

The article was picked up by three different sites:

How cool is that? We love our little bar, and we love how much interest there's been in it. It was incredibly easy to build - you could easily do it in a weekend. And for people with a small backyard like we have, it's nice to have someplace to freshen your drink without it taking over the seating area.

You should take a wander by one (or all) of the sites to check out the other 29 as well. Just click on the images above to go straight there. You'll find some truly unique ideas. My favourite is the hammock swing - I wish we had the space!

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