
Feb 28, 2012

Foyer Light

We made some baby steps towards completing the main floor "makeover" this weekend.  If you've missed anything get caught up here, and here.

There was very little free time as Tom's mom had surgery this past week and we decided to put together a week's worth of meals for her and my father-in-law. We made 2 kinds of soup, pot roast with mashed potatoes and gravy, tea biscuits, & a loaf of bread.  Everything from scratch. And then Tom delivered them (an hour+ away). We also went out for an early dinner with other relatives on Sunday.  So these tiny projects feel like huge accomplishments.

The change I'm loving the most is the new light in the entranceway.  Tom is so resistent to dangling lights (pendants, chandeliers, etc.) but I am going to convert him, slowly but surely.

This is the light before. 
A pretty non-descript flush-mount ceiling fixture. 

And this is what is hanging there now. 

What a superstar.  Look how she shines!
(Ignore the ugly CFL bulb.  That will be swapped out now that it's visible.)

The light is from Lowe's, and is technically an outdoor light.  The body is metal with glass inserts on all sides and around the top with an open bottom.  The metal has a brown-rust, aged look.

The light came with about 2 feet of extra chain that needed to be removed before hanging since we only have 8 foot ceilings.  Sasha supervised the removal of excess chain and inspected all of the connections.

She also got her Jersey on and wore the chain for a while.

I was very happy to see that the previous light had padding inside it that protected the ceiling from getting a crease from the edge of the fixture.  I didn't want to even think about having to patch a popcorn ceiling. And there was no discolouration on the ceiling - yay!

The old light came down easily and the new one installed just as easily.  This coming from me - the person who stood and watched. And took pictures.

The light hangs about 12-18 inches from the ceiling so only one very tall friend (Hi Jay!) will come anywhere near hitting their head on it.

One last inspection by the boss (yes, Tom is holding her up - call us crazy).
Not sure that is a look of approval.

And the glass inserts in the top make a lovely wagon wheel pattern
on the ceiling when the light is on.

I realize now that I didn't take any pictures from far away.  I'll have to remedy that soon.


Do you like our collection of dog collars & leashes?
(Forgive the gaping closet - we're buying new doors for it soon.)

Some more gratuitous shots:


Let there be light!


  1. I love outdoor lights as inside lights! I bought one from Lowes that I adore, but haven't found anywhere to put it yet. 

  2. I love it. I think it may have been spruce of light weekend. I did a little switcharoo on a ceiling light with paint. And right before Christmas we changed out our foyer light that had been hanging in our foyer since 1994. UGH!!

  3. Love the new light fixture! I am your newest Linky Follower and hope you will follow me back :)

  4. What a great light fixture! It looks lovely! ~Megan

  5. A new light makes such a difference, doesn't it?
