
Feb 29, 2012

Wednesday Musings

It's a quiet, snowy day here.  Tomorrow is the start of the circus known as month-end reporting (cue theme from Psycho) where it'll be non-stop go-go-go for 8 or so days.  Not to mention that my company has been bought out and the new company assumes ownership tomorrow.  I thought I'd take this mellow time to share what has caught my eye lately.

I've  been wanting to add an armchair to the livingroom for some time.  Something that complements but doesn't perfectly match the current furniture.  Here's a reminder of what we have already.  I want solid and substantial, comfy but not slouchy.

These looked interesting:

Carmen Chair - Brownie

product image

 Umbria   Leather Chair and Ottoman

Though that last one is wa-a-a-ay out of my price range.


This latest snowstorm (we have been fortunate to only have had a few this year) is making me long for summer.  Specifically for my backyard hammock.  (This is not my backyard btw.)

Tiki Hammock

We rebuilt the deck last year - gotta tell you about that sometime - and made a place to hang it.  Everyone loves it.  Even the dogs.  It hangs on a lower level so the dogs step right off the top level into the hammock.


I think I want to build this and get it installed this year,

Pinned Image

 Would you like to stop by for a pina colada? Perhaps a frozen margarita?


Oh, these.  THESE say "summer" to me. 

And I own them.  Yep, I obsessed over them, read the reviews, even emailed the company to ask questions. Then I found a mall in my town that sold them.  And since my fabulous sister gave me a gift card for that same mall for Christmas, I made them mine.  Now when am I going to get a chance to wear them?


I'm so in love with barnboard, Restoration Hardware-style furniture.  When we lived in the country I think I probably would have filled the house with it, but now that we are in a tiny little semi-detached in town, I have to fit it in sparingly.  These bedside tables speak to me.

Kentwood Nightstands or End Tables

 Definitely on my to-do list.


And finally, this just makes me laugh.  I spend 95% of my time at home in my pyjamas.  If this were true I would get nothing done.


Have a fantastic Wednesday.


  1. I can't wait to make it!

  2. So many happy things in this post. Good luck with the next 8 days!

  3. I'm so glad you posted that outdoor bar. Totally doable and would fab attached to my fence.


  4. Rose :: Fine Craft GuildNovember 8, 2012 at 6:46 PM

    SORRY to hear about your 'month end reporting'.... ;-) only 8 days... you can handle this.... Love all the chairs, and am saying YES to buying Canadian!! 

    I am actually coming to your site re. the Followers linky blog hop. I AM FOLLOWING YOU *** WILL YOU FOLLOW ME BACK?  Thank you so much when you do.

    There's also a link party on our blog where you can feature your best creative work. There are some great projects to see already, but we want to see your work.

    This url is both to Follow and to Party:

    Hope to seeing you around. Have a happy creative day!
