
Aug 15, 2013

Happy, Happy Birthday!

Today is Tommy-boy's birthday. The big 4-2. He should be very excited - it IS the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything after all.

All he wanted was a coffee cake. Is that the weirdest thing? I think so. Of course, I like those McCain grocery store freezer section cakes, so maybe I'm not one to judge.

Last year I asked the bakery dept. at the grocery store if they could write "Happy Birthday" on the coffee cake for me. No, they could not. So this year I was prepared. I bought cake decorating tools at the dollar store and a can of cream cheese frosting.

I've never written on a cake before so I practiced a bit. On some fry bread. Use whatcha got. Bonus for me, I got to eat the iced bread later. I've tried to use a ziploc bag with a piping tip to make flowers before and had no luck, but this plunger style was excellent. Plus it was only $1.50. And in case you're wondering, I didn't spell happy wrong, I just wanted to make sure I could make a round letter.

The plan was to write "Happy Birthday Tom" around the circle, but with the surface being so bumpy I couldn't write on part of it. So I changed tips and added two rosettes and some nonpareils.

Ta-da! I'm sort of impressed with how it turned out. I'm not going to be entering any contests, but at least it's legible. I then rushed around and cleaned up my mess and hid the cake. This morning I added two candles.

I think he's pretty happy. Success!

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