Nov 14, 2011

Dryer Vent Turkey

While I was putting away the dryer vent pumpkins I made (tutorial here), I kept looking at how fat they were and thought one would make a terrific turkey centrepiece.

Dryer-Vent Turkey Centerpiece

Here in Canada, even though we eat turkey for Thanskgiving, it's not really a focus for decorating.  More pumpkins, leaves, and corn. But I was convinced that that pumpkin looked like a turkey. So I bought some brown, orange, and yellow cardstock for the feathers and head.  I just free-handed a feather pattern and cut the shapes out in the brown paper. 

dryer vent turkey
I then made the template smaller and cut more feathers out of orange.  Repeat for yellow. They aren't perfect (have you ever seen a turkey with perfect symmetry?) but if you had a Cricut or Silhouette you could do a much neater job. 

dryer vent turkey

I glued the three different feathers to each other and then glued all six tri-coloured feathers together in a fan shape. I cut the head shape from orange paper (free-hand of course) and pinched the neck together a bit at the bottom to make it more 3-D. The beak is yellow cardstock just glued on. 

I drew some eyes (on the back of a paint chip) and glued that on too. I even added a red snood for authenticity. Sorry, I didn't take pictures of any of that.

I removed the cinnamon stick and moss from the pumpkin and hot glued the head and tail to the front and back. This was a little difficult as the pumpkin has wire ribs so there isn't much to glue to. 
Finally, I added some little feet at the end. 

And here's my chubby ol' turkey. 

dryer vent turkey

The freehand shapes give him a homemade feel. Or emphasizes that I have the artistic skills of a third grader. I prefer the former.

dryer vent turkey

I tried him out all over the house but he seemed happiest laying in the leaves and acorns.

dryer vent turkey

dryer vent turkey

Gobble, gobble!

dryer vent turkey


I'm linking up to these great parties this week!


Grammy Goodwill said...

That is my favorite turkey ever. And I love turkeys. Gobble, gobble, gobble.

Jeanna said...

He is too cute! I'm so going to have to make one for Turkey Day...

Jeanna @

Beansieleigh said...

This is so darn CUTE!! I've done the pumpkins before, out of dryer vent like this, but never a turkey! I really like the idea! Thanks for sharing how to make them! ~tina

Pams Party said...

I love this. I featured it today as my craft of the day on my blog.
I need to get some dryer vent.

Junk in their Trunk said...

I love this. I have seen the pumpkin dryer vents but never seen it made into a turkey. These are too cute. I would love it if you could link this up to our linky party going on right now.

Pink Texas Chick said...

That is so darn cute!

Michaela @ said...

So very cute!

Cheryl @ That's What Che Said said...

Adorable!!! Love them!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute! What a great way to recycle!

Judy Bisaya said...

Hi Barb, this is super cute. I featured you in my Stalking Thursday. I hope you can stop by. see you!


Jamie @ DIY Home Sweet Home said...

ADORABLE. I've seen the dryer vent pumpkins on other blog s but this is the first turkey.

Shiloh said...

Haha, this guy is so cute. He makes me laugh.

Karen said...

Very Cute! I love that you used a dryer vent. Genius:) I am a new follower!

Lindsi B said...

Ha, Ha, Ha! I adore this! That is such a cute turkey! I seriously laughed out loud!
Would you please share this with my readers for my Fun Stuff Fridays linky party?

Jenifer Harrod said...

My daughter really liked this craft!
are having parties today please come.

AllieMakes! said...

Very cute! I love the shape of his tail feathers! Perfect!
Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie this week! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

BKWilliams said...

This is one cute turkey! Great idea.

Christine said...

I am going to feature you at

I love this idea!! Thanks for sharing!

Michelle Johnnie said...

Love this! I featured it at Grab my "featured" button.

Jenifer Harrod said...

We featured you craft at: Please come by and take a button. Thanks!

Jennifer said...

Aw! He's way cute!! You have awesome free hand skills I must say!
Thanks again for partying with us at Show & Share!

Kara said...

He is the cutest thing! Thanks for sharing at Shine on Friday. I can't wait to see what else you decide to make from a dryer vent:)

BarbSteadman said...

Thank you so much!

BarbSteadman said...

Thank you!

BarbSteadman said...

Thanks for featuring me!

BarbSteadman said...

Thank you for featuring me!

BarbSteadman said...

Thank you!

BarbSteadman said...

Thanks for hosting!

BarbSteadman said...

Thanks for featuring me!

BarbSteadman said...

Me too!

BarbSteadman said...

Thank you!

BarbSteadman said...

Thank you!

BarbSteadman said...

I hope you have (had?) fun making it.

BarbSteadman said...

Thank you!

BarbSteadman said...

Thank you! I appreciate it.

BarbSteadman said...

Thanks for featuring me!

BarbSteadman said...

Thanks for featuring me!

BarbSteadman said...

Thank you!

BarbSteadman said...

Thank you!

BarbSteadman said...


BarbSteadman said...


BarbSteadman said...

I'd love to see it!

Kristi Stephanie said...


BarbSteadman said...

Thank you!

BarbSteadman said...

Thank you!

Makinglemonadeblog said...

He's adorable.  My daughter has been gobbling all over the house ever since she learned a song about them at school, so when she wakes up tomorrow I'm showing her this post.  She'll go gobbly over him I'm sure!

Thanks for linking to Refresh Your Nest Friday #10, and stop back tomorrow to join this week's party!

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